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Google Plus or Google Minus?

Google+ or Google-

This is my second guest author post for ChurchMag. Enjoy.

So, there’s been a bit of an increase in chatter of late regarding Google+, both here and on other websites. Now I haven’t been a real big fan of Google+ for all of the listed reasons, the biggest one being that none of my friends were or aren’t on it.

But three articles in particular have caught my attention.

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my name is darryl
and this is what i have to say

Why the Church Always Lags Behind?

why does the Church always lag behind

I am privileged to have been accepted as a guest author for ChurchMag. Here is my first published article, “Why does the Church always lag behind?”.

I have been involved in Church leadership for over 15 years and have experienced many Churchgoers asking why it is that the Church always lags behind the business world when it comes to the implementation of new technologies and strategies.

Or, why does the Church never actually lead the way? And having been directly involved in Church management for just under half of those years, I too have wondered why this is.

Why is the Church never a trend setter?

Why is it that we can never set the pace and lead rather than follow?

I believe that there are primarily two reasons for this.

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my name is darryl
and this is what i have to say