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Another aside thought

If a women becomes a Christian, there is a 17% chance that the others in the household will become Christian. If a man, however, becomes a Christian, there is a 93% chance that the rest of the household will become Christian. That is why ministry to men is so important. ~ Mark Gungor (Laugh your way to a happy marriage) #b #wp

my name is darryl
and this is what i have to say

Another aside thought

Secular images of humanity fail because once all of their “perceived” needs are met, there is still an emptiness and dissatisfaction that prevails. ~ Millard Erickson (paraphrase) #b #wp

my name is darryl
and this is what i have to say

Another aside thought

It is amazing how much you can achieve if you do not care who gets the credit. ~ Nicky Gumbel #q #wp

my name is darryl
and this is what i have to say

Another aside thought

Does the existence of objective moral values allow for the existence of multiple gods in the various religions? #t #wp

my name is darryl
and this is what i have to say

Another aside thought

Before God we are all equally wise – and equally foolish. ~ Albert Einstein #q #t #wp

my name is darryl
and this is what i have to say